According to the David Suzuki Foundation, companies have been selling baby hygiene products for decades that are allegedly toxic to babies and infants. The Thalidomide tragedy in 1959 was a horrific example of how some companies put profits ahead of ethics.
Enter stage right – Jessica Alba in her greatest role ever…”Mother” and co-founder of The Honest Company. Jessica and her partner were frustrated with the baby products that were on the shelves and felt it was time that someone finally created a baby product that was unquestionably safe…and the rest as they say, is history.
In recent years the construction industry has been marred by scandals associated with collusion, bid tampering and bribery of elected City officials. The scandals included some of the largest players in the engineering and construction industry, as well as some well-respected and established politicians.
So when people ask me what I feel the keys to a successful company are, I have to unequivocally say; “honesty, transparency, and a service that outperforms the competition.”
Have any great examples of “honest companies” like Jessica’s that are leading the charge?